

Updates From the Farm

Sheep at Gathering Ground

Sheep at Gathering Ground

by Russell Rolffs, farm manager   This year, Gathering Ground grazed six White Dorper sheep, rotating them through the vineyard June to August and then the young chestnut and fruit orchards the...

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The Vineyard is Open!

The Vineyard is Open!

This year the grapes didn't ripen very well -- they have low sugars (10-13 brix) and won't make good wine. The low sugars are due to the downy mildew that prematurely defoliated the vines and...

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Update from the Vines: Rose Chafers

Update from the Vines: Rose Chafers

by Izzy and Alex Krantz, Gathering Ground InternsAs we reflect on the past five weeks of the Gathering Ground internship, the smell of dead Rose Chafers composting in the sun haunts us. We close our...

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Island Garden Tour

Island Garden Tour

Saturday August 1, from 10 am - 2 pmGathering Ground is happy to present our first garden tour. We've asked 8 Island gardeners to open up their gates to visitors and share a little bit of Island...

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Community Composting: Why and How

Community Composting: Why and How

Let's say you live here on the Island, or regularly visit, and don't have your own compost pile. You now have a way to compost your organic matter at Gathering Ground! "But why is this important?...

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Community Compost

Community Compost

Beginning in July, our community compost program will be up and running. Our goal is to recycle the kitchen and yard waste from Island households and businesses, up to the holding capacity of our structure, diverting the waste from being dumped and carted off-island. All while producing black soil to enrich our gardens and orchards.

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Upcoming Events