

Updates From the Farm

Wild And Precious: Year In Review

Wild And Precious: Year In Review

As I've been looking over photos and evaluations from this past summer's programs, I hear Mary Oliver whispering her poem "The Summer Day" in my ear. How she deftly juxtaposes the grasshoppers...

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Small is prosperous: Growing Chestnuts

Small is prosperous: Growing Chestnuts

On the grand scheme of things a few acres of chestnuts on Washington Island sounds small. And it is. But small is mighty. Here are 4 reasons why a chesetnut orchard can have a big impact: Food: 1...

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How to Support Gathering Ground

How to Support Gathering Ground

How to Support Gathering Ground Did you know monthly donors are a sustaining life force behind the programs of Gathering Ground? If one of your resolutions is to get more involved, we’d like to...

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Ground School 2022 complete!

Ground School 2022 complete!

This first appeared in the Washington Island Observer.  This summer Gathering Ground hosted seven students for its summer internship program, Ground School. This program creates an environment for...

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A Recipe From Dinner in the Vineyard

A Recipe From Dinner in the Vineyard

We are grateful to everyone who made Dinner in the Vineyard a wonderful and successful event, including chefs and makers Island Orchard Cider, Ashley Hamilton, Terese Allen, Kyle Ransom of Island...

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Chestnut tree flowers at Gathering Ground

Chestnut tree flowers at Gathering Ground

This article was first published in the Washington Island Observer. Story by Andrea McCabe, Ground School Student 2022 A glimmer of hope for the future of chestnut trees throughout the Midwest is...

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