By Nora Boxer, UWM graduate student in creative writing This January, I was given the opportunity to participate as a student in Write On, Door County’s The Craft of Writing Series via a scholarship made possible through Gathering Ground. The focus of the...
By Alex Krantz, Gathering Ground intern 2020 Before becoming an intern with my sister Izzy at Gathering Ground, I was an Island regular. Every summer my family would drive up from our Illinois suburb to Washington Island, anticipating the euphoric moment when we would...
by Russell Rolffs, farm manager This year, Gathering Ground grazed six White Dorper sheep, rotating them through the vineyard June to August and then the young chestnut and fruit orchards the rest of the season. Combining livestock with crops is a sustainable...
This year the grapes didn’t ripen very well — they have low sugars (10-13 brix) and won’t make good wine. The low sugars are due to the downy mildew that prematurely defoliated the vines and prevented them from ripening the grapes adequately. While...
by Izzy and Alex Krantz, Gathering Ground Interns As we reflect on the past five weeks of the Gathering Ground internship, the smell of dead Rose Chafers composting in the sun haunts us. We close our eyes and see thousands of brown beetles swarming around us, clinging...