Beginning in July, our community compost program will be up and running. Our goal is to recycle the kitchen and yard waste from Island households and businesses, up to the holding capacity of our structure, diverting the waste from being dumped and carted off-island. All while producing black soil to enrich our gardens and orchards.
We encourage all who wish to participate to attend a how-to explanation at Gathering Ground Monday, July 6 at 10 AM or Thursday, July 9 at 10 AM. Meet at the new west Lake View entrance. We will also post an instructional video to social media and make a flyers available that explain what should and should not be added to the compost bins.
The compost structure will be composed of three bins and a total capacity of handling almost 25 cubic yards of compost at a time. If demand is high, we will turn the compost frequently to speed up the decomposition process and make room for new waste, allowing us to fill the bins at least twice each season.