2021 in Review

2021 by the Numbers

Planted 150 chestnut trees & 1200 seedlings
We continued to grow our chestnut orchard with 150 trees. In addition, our interns planted 1,200 chestnut seedlings in our tree nursery. In the next 3-5 years, we should start getting some nuts and learn more about what trees are best for our climate.

Planted 300 vines & 50 wildlife shrubs
We planted 90 more disease resistant Itasca grape vines and 75 blueberries. We hope to get our first lingonberries and blueberries next year!

150 pounds of food donated
We donated more than 150 pounds of squash to the Washington Island food pantry. As our fruit and nut trees mature, this number will only grow.

6 students • 6 seminars • 6 field trips • 6 weeks of hands-on learning
Wit hour class of 2021 interns, we planted vines, trees, shrubs and cover crops. We learned together, reading articles on everything from organic pesticides to food sovereignty. We did soil tests for community members, tended our flock of sheep, and shared our learnings with the community.

2 new community events
We had our first family fun day – a day of activities for kids at the vineyard – and our first Island Bike Tour of five different farms and businesses on the Island. Even overcast skies couldn’t keep participants from having a joyful day.

3 grants received • 1 matching donor
We received grants from the Door County Community Foundation, the Raibrook Foundation and the Kroger Foundation to invest in making our grounds a more welcoming place and to invest in our summer internship program. Between Giving Tuesday and December 31, one donor will match all end of year gifts! Double your impact and give today!